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The Loot Upgrade

The Epic Lootbox is a great surprise in itself every month. But if that's not enough for you, you can also get a monthly Upgrade of 1-3 items for 9,95€-14,95€ every month. Each upgrade is at least twice as much value as you pay for it. You will always find out the theme of the upgrade in advance and can cancel it at any time, regardless of the Lootbox!

1-3 additional items for €9.95 to €14.95 on a fixed theme.

The value of the goods is always at least twice as high as the price!

Can be ordered & canceled monthly regardless of your Lootbox.

Upgrade theme in March

In March there will be a cool collector's item on the theme of CALL OF DUTY.

Surcharge for the Lootbox: 14,95€

Item value over 30€

How to order the Lootbox upgrade

Currently there are still 3 different options how you can get your upgrade.
These depend on whether you

a) currently do not get a lootbox at all and are currently NEW ORDER with upgrade
b) after 10.07.2024 - i.e. on our "new" homepage CURRENT SUBSCRIPTION and would now like to order an upgrade or cancel it
c) or a SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE 10.07.2024 on our "old" homepage and would now like to order an upgrade or cancel.

Choose one of the options and find out exactly what to do:


Go to the Lootbox page and select a unique box or a monthly subscription from.

Important: You can also cancel the subscription cancel monthly!


Choose shape & size for your shirt. Then choose the option "with upgrade".
Then click on "Add to shopping cart"


Complete the ordering process.
To the 15th of the next month you will receive the box including upgrade sent to you.

To the Lootbox management

Do you have after 10.07.24 a subscription, you have a e-mail with a link to manage the box.

Customer account

If you don't have a customer account with us yet, you need to create one. Use for this the same e-mail address as when you ordered the Lootbox.
Afterwards you will see all your Lootboxes.

Change upgrade

Click on "Your box" on "Edit" and then on "Add article".

Now you can choose from a long list of your shirt size with upgrade from a long list & add. Remove the old/wrong item.


After you have selected and removed everything, you must click on "Save" to confirm your selection.

In the same way you can also Cancel Upgrades or additional shirts order.

All Lootbox subscriptions that before 10.07.24 can be viewed in our classic Lootbox management can be edited.

You must log in there with the e-mail address and passwordthat you created for the subscription. There you can book or cancel the upgrades.

IMPORTANT: The login you used for the subscription may not be the same one you use now in our current store!