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Success Poster

€9,95 EUR
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  • Motivational poster with sarcastic caption.
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Description Success Poster

Who doesn't know them, the pretty posters and postcards that want to guide us through life with encouraging phrases?! On some stressful and annoying days, however, the well-meant messages seem quite sarcastic.

That's why we had a whole series of posters printed, where the idyllic sayings are turned into their opposite. At first glance, due to their typical design and beautiful images, they are not recognizable, but upon closer inspection, they reveal the full depth of everyday work life. Hung above the desk, they show your colleagues what you really feel and think - of course, as always with us, meant with a little wink ;)

This poster bears the headline "Success" with the text "Success makes you lonely. But it feels good to look down on all those who are below you."!

Technical info
Dimensions: 42x59.4cm (DIN A2) :
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