Description Minecraft magnet set
The sun rises. Quickly stuff a few loaves of bread into the inventory, plug in a few hundred torches, put on armor, grab a sword and pickaxe and head out into the world. Mine reached. Shaft expanded. Encountered a promising dungeon. Bridged lava. Discovered a diamond. Heard the sounds of spiders and skeletons. Ran away. Ran into Creeper. Exploded. Found the place of death again after half an eternity. Realized that all the items in the newly formed lava crater were burnt. Cried. Started all over again.
This is Minecraft.
And it's fantastic. The only drawback: until now, the experience was limited to the digital world. But we are remedying this situation!
With the Minecraft magnet set you can finally be creative on your fridge. You can dig tunnels, erect buildings, uncover valuable ores and much more.
The magnet set consists of 160 pieces that allow you to faithfully recreate every imaginable Minecraft environment. The square magnets are light and somewhat flexible, but look very similar to the pixel models. Due to the large number of magnetic tiles included in this set, a comparatively large area can be "built on" and rearranged again and again.
To get you in the mood, here's a little preview of your future Minecraft fridge world: The idyllic forest, the deep pits with their lazuli veins and lava flows, your little house with your personal chest right on the beach with a gravel path and brick walls, and if the industrious builder plans to restructure, simply place a TNT magnet in the middle and then start all over again.