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Portal 2 Long Fall Knee Socks

€14,95 EUR
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Description Portal 2 Long Fall Knee Socks

Chell's Heel Springs are a great thing. No matter from what height she jumps down - fall damage is zero. Unfortunately, these super shoes are only available within the Aperture Science Lab...

But now you can also wear the 'Test Subject Style' in real life: The Portal 2 Long Fall Knee Socks look (almost) exactly like the original Heel Springs :) They are made of a high-quality cotton blend in a universal size and are stretchable - but not to infinity. Therefore: Sorry guys - but these socks are more for the fairer sex ;)

The test protocol requires us to point out the following: The Long Fall Knee Socks will unfortunately not help you survive jumps into the depths without injury. Therefore, you should not push your luck and stay away from high roofs and deep chasms - even if your workplace bears a strong resemblance to the test lab. By the way, the socks have not been tested on potato batteries, so it cannot be ruled out that the free fall of such a battery might be slowed down with the help of the socks. If you ever conduct such a series of tests, we would be very grateful for a report of the results.

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