Description Portal Bookends
Welcome to the Aperture Science Library!
Actually, you don't necessarily need to be able to read for Portal... it's enough to listen to the voice of Cave Johnson and do what he says. This makes it easier to find suitable test subjects. Clever people used to be hired, but honestly, that's a great waste of resources.
This next test applies the principles of momentum to movement through book portals. If the laws of physics no longer apply in the future - God help you.
Instructions for the test subject:
Position the bookend with the orange portal on the left side of a row of books and the bookend with the blue portal on the right side. The effect is as follows: Your books (or DVDs, games, cassettes...) will stand upright on the shelf. At least, that's how it should be. If not, you might be doing something wrong. Additionally, it looks as if a test subject would port through the books. This might actually happen, depending on how much the conditions in your room resemble those at Aperture Science. However, we hope for your sake that you have it better.
Alright, we're working on a little teleportation experiment. Now this doesn't work with all book types, so try to remember which books are yours.
We cannot accept liability for any damages caused by the portals. If problems occur, you can of course contact Mr. Johnson. However, he will not listen to you.