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Roadkill soft toy

€29,95 EUR
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Description Roadkill soft toy

There are a lot of funny people in England, which may have something to do with the island location. Three of them are particularly funny. Their names are Adam, Mike and Charlie. The boys are cuddly toy geeks and because they find ordinary teddy bears boring and meaningless, they created the Roadkill plush toys designed.

The Roadkill plush toys are truly unique and above all wonderfully bizarre, which should appeal to lovers of abnormal oddities, because they are definitely a case for the curiosity cabinet :)

These special cuddly toys are available in three different versions:
On the one hand we have Twitchthe raccoon and on the other hand grindthe rabbit and finally now also Splodgethe hedgehogon offer.

Raccoon Twitch:
Twitch lost his life on March 17, 2007 at the age of 5 after being run over by a green Ford Mondeo. The tire marks are still clearly visible on his fur. Twitch is pretty flat, not only because the car ran over him completely unexpectedly, but also because it hit him with both the front and rear wheels and then reversed again to be on the safe side. Twitch would never have expected that. His intestines, which spill out on both sides of his body, can be stowed inside if necessary (e.g. if children are present who might react to the sight by screaming) and closed with a zipper. Twitch left behind his parents and his friend Grind, who in turn followed him into the eternal hunting grounds almost 3 months later.

Grind the rabbit:
Grind died at the age of 4 on June 3, 2007. Like many other animals, his life ended unspectacularly and painlessly on a country road. Grind died instantly, any attempts at resuscitation would have been pointless, as all his internal organs would have had to be transplanted, which would not have been worth the effort. Besides, there was no donor. The liver, intestines and whatever else a rabbit carries to maintain its vital functions lie on the street next to Grind, but can be stowed away inside - even if that doesn't make it any better. His facial expression alone is enough of a sign that all life has drained out of the once so cheerful hare.

Hedgehog Splodge:
How could it be otherwise - Hedgehog Splodge also lost his life on a British country road (can't they drive carefully there? ^^). He was only 2 years old. His parents and his best friend Pop the Weasel are inconsolable, as poor Splodge is hardly recognizable after being run over by a Honda. His left eye was particularly badly damaged and not even his own mother could bear to look at him, which is why he was not laid out in the open (there would also be too great a risk of guests slipping on the dripping entrails and seriously injuring themselves). Splodge still had his whole life ahead of him, was attending college and was an avid inline skater. We don't know what the afterlife has in store for him, but we wish him all the best.

After their passing, all of the injured stuffed animals were placed in a dignified body bag, which included a death certificate and a 'toe tag' (which was attached to the zipper in the absence of a big toe).

Give Twitch, Grind and Splodge a place in your home in memory of all the other numerous and nameless animals that meet their end on the streets every day. True to the motto: "De mortuis nihil nisi bene")*, from now on you should cherish their past lives and especially the martial nature of their deaths, cuddle them reverently and show them off to your friends in a respectful way so that you can remember the transience of life together.

)* Only good things about the dead

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