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Description Skynet

The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997 Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

In the 1980s, James Cameron not only made really good films, he was also a great visionary. More than 10 years in advance, he realized that artificial intelligence would change the world for the worse.

In 1998, the time had come, just one year later than Cameron had predicted!
A large US company entered the scene and quickly became a threat to the lives of individuals.

The monstrous AI has now mastered 24 different languages, so that even the remotest corner of the earth is not protected from its influence. Little by little, humans are becoming more transparent and predictable. The machine gets to know them better and better and the user becomes more and more dependent on it until they are completely at its mercy. Data protection and privacy are softening imperceptibly. In the course of its learning process, AI continues to develop, becoming smarter and more independent.

The Terminator franchise tells how the story ends...

With this motif, you have the unique opportunity to pledge your loyalty to the future world ruler, so that your life - very, very possibly - will be largely spared for the time being. Presumably you will then be allowed to toil in the huge factories of the enemy of mankind.

Better still, the shirt can be used to mark you as part of the resistance so that like-minded people can identify you and eventually operate underground with you. Maybe you'll even send us a Kyle Reese to rescue from the future...

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