Description Star Wars Bathrobe Princess Leia
Lando: You look absolutely beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the clouds.
Princess Leia is probably by far the most beautiful woman in the Star Wars universe - and that's not just because of her... extraordinary hairstyle ;) (Yes, now everyone is thinking of the scene with Jabba the Hut, right) ;)
Clearly, she also gets the coolest (and most roguish) guy. One could easily get jealous...
With the Star Wars Bathrobe Princess Leia, you can feel a little bit like the princess after showering, at the pool, in the sauna, or whenever you consider a bathrobe the garment of choice. It is made of high-quality, soft cotton and looks just like the white dress that Leia wears - however, it is much more comfortable ;)
The special highlight is the hood: When you pull it over your head, it gives you the same unmistakable hairstyle in seconds - without having to painstakingly grow extra-long hair :)
So next time you go swimming, don't forget the Princess Leia bathrobe and keep an eye out for a rogue worthy of your highness to help you into the robe when you leave the pool :)