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Zombie blood shower gel

€14,95 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Shower gel packed in a blood donation bag
  • The bag contains 400ml of atomic green shower gel instead of real zombie blood.
The delivery situation for this product is unclear. The reason for this could be, for example, that the manufacturer has discontinued production. You can therefore not order it.
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Description Zombie blood shower gel

The DEAD (Department for the Eradication of the Animated Deceased) has long been collecting samples of zombies (yes, they already exist!). Until now, these zombies were only part of scientific experiments, strictly sealed off from the outside world, but samples of zombie blood (type: Z-Rh positive) have made it into the outside world.

For your own experiments or secret zombie fetishes, we now offer you zombie blood, packed in 400ml bags. For the sake of safety, we have labeled the blood - Contaminated - Level 5 Biohazardbut if in doubt, the green color and the incomparable zombie smell will remind you that this is not normal blood and that you have to be very careful with transfusions, because you never know what kind of monster you might create!

If you shower with the zombie blood shower gel (that sounds reasonable!), you'll soon smell like one yourself (seriously, did you know that zombies smell like fruity soap? Definitely pretty flowery for someone who's already half-decayed). During a zombie apocalypse, you'll clearly have a better chance of survival because they'll think you're one of their own*.

Stock up on zombie blood now and you'll finally be able to scare off vicious vampires like the ones from Twilight. Because when a vampire comes into contact with zombie blood, the zombie virus prevails. According to rumors, this is also how Ozzy Osbourne was born, who is also supposed to smell super good ;)

* We accept no responsibility if the zombie virus is transmitted by mere contact and you do become a real zombie. But as the saying goes? No risk, no zombie!

ATTENTION: This product is NOT suitable for consumption. Also not for blood donations or similar. Please only use as a shower gel. Your environment will thank you.

Technical info
Dimensions: 17 x 11 x 3 cm
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