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Doctor Who wind-up figure

€14,95 EUR
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Description Doctor Who wind-up figure


Ok ok... is quite that bad Dalek, villain in the series Doctor Whowhich has been produced by the BBC since 1963 with a long interruption, but not... he limits himself to Exterminate exclamations with which he expresses his desire for annihilation.

With the Doctor Who wind-up figure you can now have Dalek patrolling your desk! Simply wind it up using the screw on the side and it will drive around wildly, moving its head dome and eye stalks as it searches for humanoids to wipe out. Terrifying!

But wait, what happens? Now even TardisDoctor Who's time machine, comes onto the scene! Just like the old toy cars of yesteryear, it is pulled backwards along the table and set in motion. Tardis will then also drive around, spinning on its own axis, until it (accidentally? No, deliberately!) hits Dalek and pushes him mercilessly off the tabletop. Ha! I wonder who's going to exterminate who here!

Good has triumphed and Doctor Who has once again saved the world. That's the way it should be - until the next episode :)

P.s. By the way, these are original Doctor Who licensed products :)

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