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Hacking - Art of Exploitation

€39,95 EUR
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  • This English book is an extremely detailed guide to hacking.
  • With a Linux Live CD for safe testing of hacks.
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Description Hacking - Art of Exploitation

If you have always been looking for a detailed guide on how hacking really works, this book is for you. The book not only describes how to apply a ready-made exploit, but also provides a detailed guide on how hacking really works. Detailed explanations are provided using the C programming language, so after reading the book you will be able to write your own exploit. No programming knowledge is required, everything necessary is explained in the book.

Specifically, the book contains the following:
- Programming in C, assembler, and shell scripts.
- Overwriting system memory to execute arbitrary code.
- Reading processor registers and system memory
- Bypassing common security measures such as non-executable stack or intrusion detection systems.
- Port-binding and connect-back shellcode to penetrate remote systems
- Forwarding network traffic, hiding open ports, and hijacking TCP connections
- Decrypting encrypted network traffic

Overall, the book provides a comprehensive picture of programming techniques, machine architecture, network communication, and existing hacker techniques. To try out all the newly learned things right away, a Linux Live CD is included, so you can test everything safely without endangering your own system.

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