Description Purple tentacle plush figure
Dr. Fred: "Leaping labrats! What have you done this time, you meddling milquetoast? Now Purple Tentacle is free to use his evil mutant powers to take over the world, and ENSLAVE ALL HUMANITY!"
Well, a very bad situation for humanity... The Purple Tentacle has actually managed to drink toxic waste water from Dr. Fred Edison's laboratory... Now he's grown tentacle arms, and this miserable fact alone makes the purple tentacle feel capable of taking over the world...
This logic may seem a little bizarre, but this is actually what happens in the famous video game, which was released in 1993 for MS-DOS and MAC. Bernard, Hoagie and Laverne now try to dissuade the evil purple tentacle from his even more evil plans.
Purple Tentacle: "Humans are our oppressors! They made us live in this horrible motel! They created us in ungainly forms so we could not rise against them! Try walking around with your legs tied together and glue on your shoes, you'll see what I mean!"
In his heart of hearts, however, the purple tentacle doesn't mean any harm. Take a look at its ultra-soft counterpart, the purple tentacle plush figure! Can something this fluffy really be evil? Hardly.
The purple tentacle plush figure will faithfully accompany you and support you in everything that concerns the fulfillment of your plans - as long as it is allowed to go to bed with you at night. Did we mention how fluffy it is? That must also be a side effect of the sewage...
Bernard: Well, what possible harm could one insane, mutant tentacle do?
As we've already explained in detail, the biggest danger posed by the purple tentacle is its fluffiness - it could drive you insane! Apart from that, he behaves completely according to the rules and would love to be held and cuddled by you all day long. :)