Description Shrink Piggy Bank
With money, it's always a tricky thing... just when you have some, it's already gone again, as if someone would magically make it disappear. Then you ask yourself: "Damn, I had two 50EUR notes in my wallet just yesterday. Where did they go?"
But money can't just disappear; it can also shrink if you do it right ;)
When you throw a coin into the Shrink Piggy Bank, it gets magically reduced in size: It first lands in a funnel, gets shrunk there, then slides through the seemingly too narrow neck, and finally falls into a container where it becomes visible to you again – in miniature format :)
You will be amazed at how many coins can fit into such a small space. When you've saved enough, you can simply open the compartment at the bottom of the Shrink Piggy Bank and retrieve your money – pulling out the drawer triggers an enlargement process, and your coins return to their original size, so you can easily spend them :)
Unfortunately, this process does not work with notes, as they do not possess sufficient magical potential ;)
Get the Shrink Piggy Bank if you expect more from your money than just disappearing into thin air and if you need a little incentive to set some aside from time to time.
Pssst! Don't tell anyone, but of course, the Shrink Piggy Bank can't really perform magic – you probably didn't believe us anyway, did you? ;) It's a clever optical illusion. You can try to figure out exactly how it works :) Have fun!