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Donation for legal costs

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Description Donation for legal costs

As you may have already heard, getDigital was recently warned by the eBay seller golden-island24 - specifically because of a T-shirt with the STFU brand print. It turned out that the seller actually owns the rights to the abbreviation STFU.
Quite apart from the fact that it is not very polite to send a warning right away instead of writing an email first, we believe it is outrageous that it is possible to protect such commonly used terms. After all, the abbreviation has been known on the internet for years and can thus be considered part of the language - and language should remain a public good!
To avoid high legal costs, we initially signed a cease and desist declaration and did not contest the warning. However, we now want to seek the complete deletion of the brand in a new procedure.
Of course, we could use a little support - both moral and financial. We ask you: Tell your friends and acquaintances about the case and try, if you are a blogger or know any, to initiate reports about it.
Of course, we are also happy about a donation. Just add this item with the amount of your choice to the shopping cart!
You can find more information about this case here.

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