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Superman Energy Drink

€1,19 EUR
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Energy drink based on a whey product with vitamins and caffeine.
  • The taste is fruity, sparkling, and a bit sour.
The delivery situation for this product is unclear. The reason for this could be, for example, that the manufacturer has discontinued production. You can therefore not order it.
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Description Superman Energy Drink

For a long time, it was assumed that Superman had superpowers because he came from another planet. What a colossal mistake! Yes, it's true, Superman is not from here, but his ability to fly, his superhuman strength, speed, and quasi-invulnerability are not due to the radiation of our sun, but to an energy drink. This may ruthlessly disillusion many of you, but it is the truth. Therefore, Superman is no better a superhero than Popeye, if you will ;)

No one needs to be sad now, because we have uncovered the secret of Superman's SUPERDRINK5 (superheroes with a keen eye for vouchers might recognize a voucher code here) and now want to make it accessible to you too :)

Superman Energy Drink consists of a whey-based mixture with a fruity-fresh taste and added vitamins and caffeine. Despite the lack of carbonation (which would actually be a hindrance when flying), the drink is quite sparkling and even deposit-free.
Our current stock has already exceeded the best-before date. However, we regularly check the taste and quality for enjoyability (we have one or two energy drink fans here who are willing to test regularly). Until then, the drink is heavily discounted.

However, there is a small catch: only residents of the planet Krypton gain the ability to fly after consuming a can of energy drink... the same applies to super strength and invulnerability. So if you're not from Krypton, please don't even try to jump off a skyscraper or walk across a busy highway!

The effect of the drink on normal humans is tailored to our requirements: it can help you feel more awake, fitter, and more productive, and support you in staying awake and focused during long programming nights, for example. But only if you don't drink too much, then the effect reverses - even for Superman.

Technical info
Fill quantity: 250ml per can, deposit-free! :
Performance: With increased caffeine content (32mg/100ml) and vitamins:
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